.cy is for Cyprus
Registration web site: http://www.nic.cy/
Whois web interface: http://www.nic.cy/on-line.htm
Third Level Domains Registered
ICANN records: http://www.iana.org/root-whois/cy.htm
Notes: .ac.cy, .com.cy, .net.cy, .org.cy, .gov.cy are registered. Whois "coming soon." Policy states: Please note that registration of a domain name does not, in any way, imply reservation of a name or trade mark. It is the applicant�s responsibility to ensure that the name applied for does not conflict with copyright, trade marks, famous names, laws of the land and ICANN guidelines. By registering a domain name, the University of Cyprus does not determine the legality of the domain name registration, or otherwise evaluate whether that registration or use may infringe upon the rights of a third party.
Domain Registration Rules:
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