Using the �international languages� section of the shopping cart control station the user may designate one of 43 languages (and their affiliated characters) to be setup; a �currency section� enables custom configuration of a currency type by the user who may set up currencies by: Name (as Euro, Shilling, Pound); exchange rate toward 1 US Dollar (as a .9642 conversion rate); currency prefix [as the Libra (�) symbol used to express the pound currency (i.e. � 4)]; currency suffix [as the Latin letter �s� used to express the shilling (i.e. 2s)]; and, option of 0, 1, or 2 digits after decimal point . A �Taxes International� section enables user configuration of one tax% rate for each country; and, one �other� tax rate may the user attribute, as used in an instance of a country currently unsupported by the system. |