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 The Smart Bussiness Online ! SEARCHFit - Ecommerce Shopping Cart Demo FAQ               



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Is SearchFit� named based on corresponding features found in the shopping cart system?


TrademarkSearchFit� stands as a phrase of the foundation of the shopping cart system, search engine recognition may guide customers specifically to: all products individually; categories; category types; and pages generated therein; while, generating link popularity (a term ascribed to numbers of links pointing to your site, this becomes a key factor when search engines rank businesses setting aside those to appear first, and those to appear last for a designated search query) that may enable such products and content to become quickly targeted (and correspondingly more popular to customers using search engines as a means of finding products) by a search query on search engines such as Google. While shopping cart systems using Dynamic HTML may block search engine queries from recognizing any product information, content, categories, and web pages specified therein, the Static HTML solution integrated into the SearchFit system enables such actions, a solution that search fits customers to your business.


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